;Scanlon, Influence of Thucydides on Sallust; Pelling,“ ‘Learning from That Violent Schoolmaster.’ ”
[4] Botteri, “Stási.”
[5] Clavadetscher-Thürlemann, ΠΟΛΕΜΟΣΔΙΚΑΙΣ und bellum iustum, 178–83;Wynn, Augustine on War and Military Service, 128–31.
[6] Rosenberger, Bella et expeditiones.
[7] Keenan, Wars Without End, 32.
[8] Jal, La guerre civile à Rom, 19–21; Urbainczyk, Slave Revolts in Antiquity,100 –115; Schiavone, Spartacus.
[9] Robert Brown, “The Terms Bellum Sociale and Bellum Civile in the Late Republic,” 103.
[10] 对罗马civitas的理解,详见Ando, Roman Social Imaginaries, 7–14。
[11] harvey, Rebel Cities; Hazan, History of the Barricade.
[12] Brett, Changes of State.
[13] Plato, Republic 462a—b, in Collected Dialogues, 701 translation adapted.
[14] Gehrke, Stasis.
[15] Price, Thucydides and Internal War, 30–32.
[16] Plato, Republic 470b—c, in Collected Dialogues, 709.
[17] Plato, Laws 628b, 62