9d, in Collected Dialogues, 1229 translation adapted,1231; Price, Thucydides and Internal War, 67–70.
[18] Stouratis, “Byzantine War Against Christians”; Kyriakidis, “Idea of Civil War in Thirteenth- and Fourteenth-Century Byzantium.”
[19] Panourgía, Dangerous Citizens, 81– 86.
[20] Loraux, “Oikeios polemos.”
[21] Plato, Republic 471e, in Collected Dialogues, 710.
[22] Thucydides, Eight Bookes of the Peloponnesian Warre 3.81– 83, trans. Hobbes,187–90. 对“党争”的描述后面紧接的那部分,现在普遍认为是后补插叙。Fuks, “Thucydides and the Stasis in Corcyra”。
[23] 霍布斯是第一位将修昔底德的著作从希腊文翻译成英文者;而更早期的英文版 The Hystory Writtone by Thucidides the Athenyan of the Warre, Whiche Was Betwene the Peloponesians and the Athenyans, 是由Nicolls从Claude de Seysell的法文译著所翻译的。同样,避免了使用civil war这个词,替代的是civile dissention,cyvill seditions和cyvill battailles等词。17世纪20年代霍布斯进行翻译时的政治语境——完全不同于17世纪40年代的内战时期——参见Hoekstra, “Hobbes’s Thucydides,” 551–57; 现代对修昔底德的普遍理解,参见Harloe and Morley, eds., Thucydides and the Modern