he Pagans 3.6, 15.5, ed. and trans. Dyson, 99,639 – 40.
[39] horace, Epodes 7, in Complete Odes and Epodes, trans. West, 11.
[40] Wiseman, Remus, 143.
[41] horace, Epodes 16, in Complete Odes and Epodes, trans. West, 18.
[42] Sallust, The War with Catiline 16.4, in Sallust, trans. Rolfe, 17, 19, 27–28“civile bellum exoptabant” translation adapted.
[43] Sallust, fragments from Histories, bk. 1, frags. 8, 10, 12, in Fragments of the Histories, trans. Ramsey, 8 –13.
[44] Varro, Di vita populi Romani, frag. 114, quoted in Wiseman, “Two-Headed State,” 26; see also Florus, Epitome 2.5.3, in Epitome of Roman History,trans. Foster, 228 “iudiciaria lege Gracchi piserant populum Romanum et bicipitem ex una fecerant civitatem”.
[45] Tacitus, Histories 2.38, in Tacitus, Histories, Books I–III, trans. Moore, 223“temptamenta civilium bellorum”.
[46] Cicero, De officiis1.86, in Cicero, On Duties, 86 – 87.
[47] Tacitus, Histories 1.50, in