d Caesar’s Triumph,” 823.
[16] Lange, “Triumph and Civil War in the Late Republic,” 74, 76 –78, 82–84. 更多参见Lange, Triumphs in the Age of Civil War。
[17] Cicero, De officiis1.85–86 “apud Atheniensis magnae discordiae, in nostra re publica non solum seditiones sed etiam pestifera bella civilia”, in On Duties,86–87, quoting Plato, Republic 420b translation adapted.
[18] horace, Odes 2.1, in Complete Odes and Epodes, trans. West, 56; Mendell, “Epic of Asinius Pollio”; Henderson, Fighting for Rome, 108 –59.
[19] Tacitus, Annals 1.3, quoted in Harriet I. Flower, Roman Republics Princeton,N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2010, 154 “etiam senes plerique inter belli civilia nati: quotus quisque reliquus qui rem publicam vidisset”; Keitel,“Principate and Civil War in the Annals of Tacitus.”
[20] Gowing, “ ‘Caesar Grabs My Pen,’ ” 250.
[21] Masters, Poetry and Civil War in Lucan’s “Bellum Civile.”
[22] 关于卢坎的历史,参见Asso, ed., Brill’s Companion to Luc