le Book’: Karl Marx and Appian”。马克思对罗马内部冲突语言的使用值得进一步研究。
[42] Plutarch, “Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus,” in Roman Lives, trans. Waterfield,98–99, 113–14.
[43] Appian, Civil Wars 1.1–2, trans. Carter, 1; Price, “Thucydidean Stasis and the Roman Empire in Appian’s Interpretation of History.”
[44] Ibid. 1.1–2, trans. Carter, 1–2 translation amended.
[45] Jal, “‘Hostis Publicus’ dans la littérature latine de la fin de la République.”
[46] Flower, “Rome’s First Civil War and the Fragility of Republican Culture,” 75 –78.
[47] Sherwin-White, Roman Citizenship, 40, 264 – 67.
[48] Keaveney, Sulla, 45–50; Seager, “Sulla.”
[49] Raaflaub, “Caesar the Liberator?”
[50] Appian, Civil Wars 1.59 – 60, trans. Carter, 32–33.
[51] Ibid. 1.1, 1.55, trans. Carter,I,30.
<h4>第二章 回忆内战 罗马愿景</h4>
[1] 至少根据哲学家Seneca the Elder所保存下来的文本中的话: “Optima civilis belli defensio oblivio est.” Seneca, Controversiae 10.3.5, quoted in Gowing,Empire